Eden and her cousins. We got there just in time to play for about 2 hours, and then the cousins hopped on an airplane and moved to BC. We were so glad we caught them before they left...tear!
This could be my favorite picture of Eden...EVER! Isn't she adorable?! This is at the Cheesecake Cafe having lunch consisting of fries and gravy. Can you believe it our American friends...fries dipped in brown gravy!?! It's delicious! Much better than 'fry sauce'...weird!
Smith Family!
Eden and Ella enjoying the suckers they got at the parade!
Eden loved holding Baby Bobbylicious!
I LOVE this picture too! Eden loves her Auntie Ames!
Price Family! Missing quite a few members of the family though...Dustin included. He was out wandering the exciting streets of Ray-town.